Nursing Care

At Home In Dubai

Premium Home Care Experience by Highly Trained Nurses

Efficient, Reliable & Personalized Home Health Care Services at Your Door-step

Senior Care at Home

Mother & Baby Care at Home

Palliative Care at Home

Child Care at Home

1. Home Based Care

End to end management of all medical needs as suggested by a Doctor, including post discharge follow-ups and other short/long term nursing requirements

2.Trained & Experienced Nurses

All our nurses are very well trained for best home care experience.

3.Quality Assurance

We conduct regular training sessions for all our nurses and ensure that they are updated with the new processes and methodologies

Ask for all inclusive premium nursing care package at home

Complete Peace Of Mind!

At Home Doctor


Twice in a month for personalized medical care

Routine Lab

Tests at Home

Once in a month, with home sample collection facility

2 Physiotherapy

Session Treatment

Upon doctor suggestion only, by expert physiotherapists

24x7 Doctor

on Call Service

Experienced & DHA certified doctor support

Call Us or Whatsapp Now!

+971 50 844 0438

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why choose Montreal home healthcare

Nursing at Home Service

Well Trained

Home Care Expert Nurses

Comprehensive Care

at Your Place

As per Your Need

Tailor-made Packages

Personalized Medical Care

at your door-step

International Standards,

High Quality Medical Care

We Prioritize

Hygiene & Your Health

Skilled Nursing Care at Comfort of Your Home

Isn’t it a relief, when your Doctor rules out the need for hospitalisation & recommends a home based treatment plan?

At Montreal home healthcare, we bring you Experienced & DHA Licensed Certified Nurses who take care of your loved ones at home for all procedures such as injections, infusions, wound dressing, catheterisation, vital checks, vaccinations etc. ensuring a highest quality of treatment at home.

We provide all-over support to fully enhance the patient’s health & recovery as well as provide utmost ease & care to daily tasks or requirements.

Best Elderly Care at Home Service

Full-Service Offerings For Your Better Health

First Choice in Dubai For Medical Care at Home

Customized Patient-Centric Experience

Highly Experienced, Certified & DHA Approved Medical Practitioners

Care with Empathy & Compassion

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or Just Call/WhatsApp +971 50 844 0438

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Montreal Home Health Care

مونتريال للرعاية الصحية المنزلية
المزود الرائد لخدمات الرعاية الصحية المنزلية في الإمارات

استــــــعد نشـــــــــاطك, مع خمــــــــات:
العــــــــــلاج الطبيـــعي المنــــــزلي

Regain your activities with Our home physiotherapy services
☎️ Call or WhatsApp now ☎️:
☎️ +971 4 529 3473 ☎️
☎️ +971 56 283 8823 ☎️
☎️ +971 50 844 0438 ☎️
#Dubai #CaringForFamilies #Health #UAE #doctorathome
الراحة ضرورية للتعافي. خذ فترات راحة طوال اليوم لتجنب الإجهاد والتعب.

Rest is essential for recovery. Take breaks throughout the day to avoid strain and fatigue.

☎️ Call or WhatsApp now ☎️:
☎️ +971 4 529 3473 ☎️
☎️ +971 56 283 8823 ☎️
☎️ +971 50 844 0438 ☎️
#Dubai #CaringForFamilies #Health #UAE #doctorathome
تحرك أكثر، واشعر بتحسن. يوم العلاج الطبيعي العالمي سعيد! فلنحتفل بقوة الحركة وتفاني أخصائي العلاج الطبيعي. تذكر أن حتى الخطوات الصغيرة يمكن أن تحدث فرقًا كبيرًا.

Move more, feel better. Happy World Physical Therapy Day! Let's celebrate the power of movement and the dedication of physical therapists. Remember, even small steps can make a big difference.

☎️ Call or WhatsApp now ☎️:
☎️ +971 4 529 3473 ☎️
☎️ +971 56 283 8823 ☎️
☎️ +971 50 844 0438 ☎️
#Dubai #CaringForFamilies #Health #UAE #doctorathome
توفير رعاية شخصية وحنونة لكبار السن في منازلهم المريحة. يقدم فريقنا المتخصص مجموعة من الخدمات المصممة خصيصًا لتلبية الاحتياجات الفردية، وضمان جودة حياة عالية.

Providing compassionate, personalized care for the elderly in the comfort of their own homes. Our dedicated team offers services tailored to meet individual needs, ensuring a high quality of life.

☎️ Call or WhatsApp now ☎️:
☎️ +971 4 529 3473 ☎️
☎️ +971 56 283 8823 ☎️
☎️ +971 50 844 0438 ☎️
#Dubai #CaringForFamilies #Health #UAE #doctorathome
إن رعاية كبار السن رحلة جميلة، وشهادة على الروابط الدائمة بين الحب والأسرة. إنه لشرف عظيم أن نشهد حكمتهم وقصصهم والحياة الرائعة التي عاشوها. ورغم التحديات التي قد تواجهنا على طول الطريق، فإن المكافآت تفوق أي صعوبات.

تذكر أن كل لحظة تقضيها معهم هي هدية. ضحكاتهم ونصائحهم وحضورهم - كلها ثمينة. فلنغتنم الفرصة لرعاية أولئك الذين اعتنوا بنا. ولنكرم إرثهم ونخلق ذكريات جديدة معًا.

Caring for our elders is a beautiful journey, a testament to the enduring bonds of love and family. It's a privilege to witness their wisdom, their stories, and the incredible lives they've lived. While there may be challenges along the way, the rewards far outweigh any difficulties.

Remember, every moment spent with them is a gift. Their laughter, their advice, their presence – all are precious. Let's embrace the opportunity to care for those who have cared for us. Let's honor their legacy and create new memories together.

☎️ Call or WhatsApp now ☎️:
☎️ +971 4 529 3473 ☎️
☎️ +971 56 283 8823 ☎️
☎️ +971 50 844 0438 ☎️
#CaringForElders #FamilyLove #Gratitude #CherishedMoments #LoveIsTheGreatestGift
دعونا نسلط الضوء على مرض الزهايمر. معًا، يمكننا إحداث فرق. 💡

في سبتمبر/أيلول هذا العام، نستخدم الرمز Al لتمثيل العمليات المعقدة لأدمغتنا وتأثير مرض الزهايمر على مساراتنا المعرفية. وكما أن الألومنيوم عنصر متعدد الاستخدامات، فإن عقولنا أيضًا متعددة الاستخدامات، وقادرة على تحقيق إنجازات لا تصدق. ولكن عندما يصيبنا مرض الزهايمر، فإنه يمكن أن يعطل هذه المسارات، مما يجعلنا نشعر بالضياع والارتباك.

دعونا نرفع مستوى الوعي، وندعم الأبحاث، ونقدم التعاطف لمن تأثروا بهذا المرض المنهك. كل خطوة لها أهميتها. وكل صوت مهم. معًا، يمكننا خلق مستقبل أكثر إشراقًا للجميع. 

Let's shine a light on Alzheimer's Disease. Together, we can make a difference. 💡

This September, we're using the symbol Al to represent the intricate workings of our brains and the impact of Alzheimer's on our cognitive pathways. Just as aluminum is a versatile element, so too are our minds, capable of incredible feats. But when Alzheimer's strikes, it can disrupt these pathways, leaving us feeling lost and confused.

Let's raise awareness, support research, and offer compassion to those affected by this debilitating disease. Every step counts. Every voice matters. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.

☎️ Call or WhatsApp now ☎️:
☎️ +971 4 529 3473 ☎️
☎️ +971 56 283 8823 ☎️
☎️ +971 50 844 0438 ☎️
 #AlzheimersMonth #Al #BrainHealth #Hope #Compassion #Awareness"